Fifty states now have concealed carry laws, but each state has its own rules and restrictions for issuing permits. The purpose of this course is to meet the standard requirements established by your state Statute for a Concealed Carry License/Permit to carry a concealed firearm legally and lawfully. Depending on your state concealed carry law, a classroom lecture may be required to cover license protocols, legal issues and use of force laws, general advice, firearm safety, and basic marksmanship. Following this, when required in your state, a live-fire exercise allows students to demonstrate their ability to shoot at reasonable distances safely as required. Each state has its own list of items to submit for application for the permit. For a specific state inquiry, please email us.
Note: This is a class that requires prior firearm experience. It is a process of evaluation, not a training class, and is therefore unsuitable for first-time shooters.
Course Overview
Depending on your state statute, the instructor(s) will review the applicable state and federal laws relating to the ownership, storage, carry, and transportation of a firearm, as well as instruction on the appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting or carrying a concealed firearm. Following this, when required by your state, a live-fire exercise that allows students to demonstrate their ability to shoot at reasonable distances safely must be done as required.
Conceal carry $150
Conceal carry renewal $65