Laser-Based Gun Training

Laser-based guns, targets, and training means we only use laser guns, and laser related material. There will be no live-ammunition used in any of our laser-based courses. No live ammunition and/or firearms!

Gun Training Group’s Laser-Based Gun Training introductory course will help prepare you to learn and strengthen your skills and knowledge leading up to your first actual firearm practice.

Whether you are an experienced or a beginner shooter, you can take advantage of Laser-Based Gun Training. Students will perform specific drills to either hone their skills and knowledge, or in prepare them for actual firearm training. Laser-Based Gun Training practice can be done safely and effectively just about anywhere, including in your home, place of business, classroom, etc...

Students will learn the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for safe gun handling with a laser-based gun that provides real time feedback on performance, speed, and accuracy. This course is perfect for those who want to learn about firearms without dealing with gunfire noise, live ammunition, smoke, recoil, cost, and everything else that goes with using a firearm. Laser-gun technology is where you can build the necessary skills and knowledge before using an actual firearm and ammunition.

Intro to pistol shooting/ fundamental
- Laser guns only   $99